
Welcome to the website of Harry Michiels, born and raised in Noord-Brabant,
a province in the Southern Netherlands. I live in Vorstenbosch, a small
village (or one could say: hamlet) about 35 km to the North of Eindhoven.

Photography has always been very important to me. It came into my life when I
got a simple camera from my mother, back when I was a young boy. With this
camera I could only take square pictures. At the age of 18 years I bought my
first SLR camera, a Minolta SRT101b and I used it for many years. Unfortunately,
the quality of Minolta cameras after the brand made the transition from film to
digital. So in the year 2006 I decided to switch to Nikon.

I most like taking pictures of car racings, cities/architecture, and landscapes.
On my website you wil find pictures fitting these descriptions. On a regular base I
refresh my pictures on this site. At all times the 4 most recent series are visible
on the home/start page (click the "Home"-button in the menu on the left).

I'm member of FotoCLub Schijndel where I can share my work
and learn from the feedback I receive. The URL of the website of this photoclub
clubs can be found under the "Links" - button.

The albums are created with the program Jalbum and its template Turtle Skin.

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